Q: What is pleb and why is it special?
A: pleb is an online voting site that uses a polling method called instant-runoff voting (IRV), also known as a ranked ballot system, or the alternative vote. Other online voting sites use a system called first-past-the-post (FPTP).

Q: What's the difference between IRV and FPTP?
A: With FPTP a voter will choose one candidate on a poll, then the candidate with the most votes wins. With IRV, voters will rank the candidates on the ballot in order of preference. Ballots of the first choice will be tallied, and if one candidate gets over 50% of the vote, it wins. If no candidate receives 50% of the vote, then the candidate with the least amount of 1st choice votes gets eliminated, and their votes get redistributed to the voter's 2nd choice. The process continues of elimination and retallying until one candidate receives majority of the vote.

Q: ?
A: There will be a video out shortly explaining IRV in more detail.

Q: Where does the name pleb come from?
A: pleb is short for plebiscite, which is a specific type of vote. Hence the domain pleb.site.

Q: What is your ToS?
A: Currently we aren't geared enough for Tomb of Sargeras, so we can only do LFR. Until then, you can find our Terms of Service here.

Q: How do you deal with having mistakes on your website?
A: It's important to try not to let stuff bother you as much as possible, but it is going to bother you because you're human, and I was human, I am human, still.

Q: Something to doing?
A: Zug zug.

Q: The answer I'm looking for isn't in this FAQ. How can this be?
A: Because someone erased it from the archive memory. Send us a message on Twitter and we will find the answer you're looking for.